A cozy mystery metroidvania where you uncover clues from the past to figure our who done it.

As long as you've been alive your kingdoms have been at peace, but last night the Royal Advisor was murdered. Find out why and by who.


WASD/Arrows to move
'E' to interact
'Q' to close text prompts
Hold 'B' to close text prompts
'B' to close popups
'P' to pause - adjust setting and view the map
'M' to go straight to the map
'Space' to swing sword - just for fun

in development for MVM May 2024

art https://opengameart.org/content/dust-particle 

music https://pixabay.com/music/main-title-chasing-the-killer-dark-detective-thriller-soundtrack-loopable-15383/

sounds https://freesound.org/people/pagancow/sounds/15419/
Sound Effect from Pixabay
Sound Effect from Pixabay
Sound Effect from Pixabay
https://pixabay.com/sound-effects/switch-93378/ https://pixabay.com/sound-effects/unlock-the-door-2-99745/

Icons made by Smashicons from www.flaticon.com
Icons made by dDara from www.flaticon.com
Icons made by GOWI from www.flaticon.com
Icons made by Icongeek26 from www.flaticon.com
Icons made by max.icons from www.flaticon.com
Icons made by Eucalyp from www.flaticon.com
Icons made by surang from www.flaticon.com
Icons made by wanicon from www.flaticon.com
Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com
Icons made by bsd from www.flaticon.com
Icons made by noomtah from www.flaticon.com
Icons made by Graphix's Art from www.flaticon.com
Icons made by Uniconlabs from www.flaticon.com
Icons made by Leremy from www.flaticon.com
Icons made by logisstudio from www.flaticon.com
Icons made by Linseed Studio from www.flaticon.com
Icons made by Vectorslab from www.flaticon.com


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(1 edit)

Art looks clean, gameplay felt smooth.
The sword not being able to hit/kill the flying bat made me sad lol.
I was stuck on the pop up after getting the second leap for awhile, try to keep it consistent with the Q key.
I couldn't progress through the game after that point. Was the chained platform suppose to be moving?
Great job overall!

Press 'B' to close the popup. SPOILER: The second chest will give you an ability to move the platforms.

This game was really, really good. It's unfortunate that there was no real use for the sword, and breaking the pots gave nothing, but I imagine that was a time constraint.

The level design was REALLY nice. A good about of back and forth needed. Very much enjoyed it.

My biggest criticism is the key binds. Sometimes it's E, sometimes it's Q, sometimes it's B (the B look like an E, took me a bit to figure out how to close the powerup dialog). If you can find a way to map the Interact button to also be the button to close dialogs, that would be much more intuitive.

Very good job!

Thanks. I meant to go back and make it consistent: E to interact, Q to close, and Hold B to skip but I ran out of time.

when I win the anciente leap I can't back to game

Press 'B' to close the popup

ohhh look's like E

Nice project! I had a great time streaming this and I am looking forward to seeing the progress!


Thanks for all the feedback. I will definitely try to implement a lot of the suggestions.